Mashable recently posted this article covering Google’s +1 service, which will debut near the end of May or early June. For those who don’t know what the service is about–picture it as Google’s own ‘Like’ button.

What's Google+1? Hint: not 2

With Google trying to break into the social media market for sometime now (Google Buzz, Google Wave) the +1 service will either be a viral breakthrough, or an over-hyped and ultimately disappointing knock-off. So you’ll either see a StumbleUpon effect on every SERP, or every spammer clicking +1 on things you don’t care about.

In addition, the +1 service may lose appeal simply because it’s another social media outlet users will have to deal with–why ‘+1’ something when you can ‘like’ it instead–and show all of your friends at the same time?

Google seems to be marketing +1 as a Social SEO tool. Searches are more local, more targeted (according to your interests) and always relevant.

But that just makes us wonder: How is +1 going to effect current SEO efforts?

We’ll just have to wait and see in late May/early June!

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