Happy Birthday, LinkedIn!

image courtesy of: Inbound.co.uk

[Story via Mashable] Transforming from a small professional-networking site that launched in May 2003 from the living room of Reed Hoffman’s home. LinkedIn was founded in the aftermath of the Dot-Com bust, at a time when the biggest social networks were Friendster and MySpace. Linkedin Launched  just before most of the social networks that are considered big players today. It’s about a year older than Facebook, three years older than Twitter and eight years older than Google+ — though it’s younger than Google itself.

Now, ten years later, Linkedin has transferred into a must-have tool for recruiters and job seekers. The social network for professionals has more than 200 million users, 3,700 employees and 26 offices globally, and is generating more than $300 million in revenue each quarter.

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