LinkedIn is a social media platform that is favored by professionals, but many people aren’t utilizing LinkedIn to it’s full potential. Here are a few pointers to help you get started, via Pamela Vaughan at Hubspot:


Optimize Your Presence

  1. Make your URL cleaner – if you haven’t already, go to privacy and settings and find the link to edit your public profile under “Helpful Links”. On the right is your Public Profile URL, Your Current URL – for example,
  2. Add a LinkedIn badge to your own website or blog. Under Public Profile URL there is a link for Profile Badges. Click and follow instructions to add a LinkedIn badge to your personal website.
  3. Show your work – you can add media such as videos, documents, links, presentations and images to your Summary, Education and Experience sections of your profile. It’s a great way to show what you do. Click here for help.

Professional Networking

  1. Get connected – the Connections tab in the top navigation offers a variety of tools to grow and connect with contacts in your professional network. Click Add Connections in the drop-down menu to import contacts from your email accounts. Also, LinkedIn gives you opportunities to keep networking fresh with it’s Keep in Touch feature. Say congrats, or hello or wish someone a happy birthday!
  2. LinkedIn groups – joining groups has many benefits. It allows you to network and message members that are not connected with you and allows you to bypass the “need to be connected at the first-degree” and a great way to broaden your horizons.
  3. Leverage @mentions – LinkedIn offers the ability to “tag” or @mention other users and organizations. Just use @ symbol immediately before the user or company name in your status update and they will be alerted and it will link back to them as well.

Business and Marketing

  1. See what’s trending – did you know you can track what content is trending in LinkedIn? Use this to understand what content your company should be creating and sharing. Click here!
  2. Generate leads –  promote and share links to your landing pages in your company status updates, where appropriate in LinkedIn Groups, on your Showcase Pages, and in calls-to-action placed in posts you publish via LinkedIn’s publishing platform.
  3. Publishing platform – You don’t have to be an influencer to publish a new article to LinkedIn Pulse. Experiment with how this feature can support your marketing goals by creating content for the platform and promoting it via your Company Page.

Want to learn more? Check out the entire article here

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